Positive Behavior Supports (Know the Characteristics)

There are Several Characteristics of Autism that Could Affect Behavior:

Insistence on sameness; resistance to change

Trouble reading social cues from others

Difficulty in expressing needs; uses gestures or pointing instead of words

Laughing, crying, showing distress for reasons not apparent to others


Sensory differences or sensory avoidances

Unresponsive reactions to typical teaching methods

Unusually strong attachments to objects

Apparent over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain

No real fears of some forms of danger or unrealistic fears of typical events

Noticeable physical over-activity or extreme under-activity

Uneven gross and fine motor skills

Not always responsive to verbal cues


Understanding these characteristics should impact the way adults interact with individuals with autism.  

Adults should be willing to be flexible and meet the child “half-way.”

Use Preventive Measures to Promote Positive Behaviors in the Classroom:

Class structure

Consistent routines

Pre-made and prepared activities with all materials present

Pre-assigned roles and responsibilities throughout the day

Visually labeled areas of the classroom

Expectations made clear by using symbols or words

Use of visual schedules for various activities

Individualized student schedules to allow for independence and ownership

Investigate More Specific Positive Supports for the School that you can use today!


View Behavior Supports Links:

Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Support Intervention Plans e-book (FREE)

Addressing the Challenging Behavior of Children With High-Functioning Autism/Asperger Syndrome in the Classroom: A Guide for Teachers and Parents-(Book). More about this book can be found by clicking on our affiliate link below.